Create a VPC with Public & Private Subnets in AWS

7 min readApr 2, 2021


VPC is Virtual Private Cloud, it is a commercial cloud computing service that provides users a virtual private cloud, by “provision[ing] a logically isolated section of Amazon Web Services Cloud”. Enterprise customers are able to access the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud over an IPsec based virtual private network.

Today we will create a VPC with private and public subnets in VPC.

VPC Architecture diagram for Private Public subnet

We will first create VPC from VPC Dashboard from AWS Console:

Click on Create button which will create a VPC:

Now our VPC is created:

Created VPC shows up in the list

Next you need to associate your route table to your subnet using below step:

Let’s create subnets now, we’ll start with creating a public subnet now. This can be create using Subnets options from left hand side list in VPC Dashboard:

Name Tag: Enter any name for your subnet

VPC: Select VPC created in above step

Availability Zone: Select Availability zone in which you want your subnet.

IPv4 CIDR Block:

Click on ‘Create’ button:

Confirmation after Public subnet is created

Next you need to associate Route table to your Subnet using below Step:

Let’s create subnets now, we’ll start with creating a private subnet now. This can be create using Subnets options from left hand side list in VPC Dashboard

Name Tag: Enter any name for your subnet

VPC: Select VPC created in above step

Availability Zone: Select Availability zone in which you want your subnet.

IPv4 CIDR Block:

Click on ‘Create’ Button:

Confirmation after Private subnet is created
We created two VPC’s which are listed above

Right click on Public Subnet where you will get Modify Auto assign IP option, on selecting it you will get below screen. Perform the same step for Private Subnet as well:

Till this stage we have created VPC, Private Subnet, Public Subnet, now lets create an Internet Gateway to use with our Public Subnet.

You can create an internet gateway using left hand side list:

Click on Create Internet gateway from above screenshot

Enter Name of internet gateway and click create:

You will get below confirmation when you click on create:

Now its time to attach it to attach Internet Gateway to VPC, when you right click on internet gateway, it will show you Attach to VPC option as below:

Select the VPC we created and click on ‘Attach’:

In below screen, it will show Internet Gateway State as Attached:

NAT Gateway

Now it’s time to create NAT Gateway. NAT Gateway allows outbound internet access to your Private Subnet. Let’s say you have some package running on EC2 in private subnet and it needs to be updated from internet, in this case using NAT gateway, you will have access to the internet. You will have to connect to your Private Subnet’s EC2 using Public Subnet’s EC2 and then you will be able to connect to the internet for software updates.

NAT Gateway prevent the internet from initiating a connection with those instances.

Important: In order to access internet to your private subnet, NAT Gateway must be added to Public Subnet only

Create NAT Gateway, Select Public Subnet

We’ll select ‘Public’ subnet from above and ‘Allocate Elastic IP’.

Next we’ll click on ‘Create NAT Gateway’ after which you will see confirmation as below:

Now it’s time to Create Route Tables, First we’ll create Route table for Public Subnet. Enter Name and select VPC:

Click on ‘Create’ after which you will see below confirmation:

Public Route table will be created as below. Please note that it will by default have Local Route:

We’ll now add an internet gateway route as below, We’ll keep Destination as all i.e. and target as Internet Gateway. Click on Add Routes now which will save entries for Route table.

By doing above configuration for Route table, our public subnet will have access to the internet. Since we added NAT Gateway to public subnet, it will also have access to the internet.

Lets now create Route Table for Public Subnet, enter name and select VPC and then click on Create

By Default Route table will contain local route

Next we will add route for NAT Gateway which will enable access to the internet for our Private Gateway.

Click on Add routes to save this route table.


NACL : NACL stands for Network Access Control Lists. It is a security layer for your VPC that controls the traffic in and out of one or more subnets. It is an optional layer for your VPC. You can set up a Network ACL similar to the security group that adds an additional layer of security to your VPC.

NACL works on Network and Subnet Level.

Security Group: Security groups can be applied at Instance level.

EC2 Instances

Now lets create an EC2 instance in public subnet

Choose AMI:

Select instance type:

Select VPC and Subnet as public subnet:

Add User Data as below:

# Use this for your user data (script from top to bottom)
# install httpd (Linux 2 version)
yum update -y
yum install -y httpd
systemctl start httpd
systemctl enable httpd
echo “<h1>Hello World from $(hostname -f)</h1>” > /var/www/html/index.html

Add Storage, tags and Security group:

Create and download keypair in final step.

Similarly create a private EC2 instance and select Private Subnet and newly created VPC.

Below two Private and Public EC2 instances will be created based on subnet selection we did on earlier screens:


Private Subnet EC2: I am now connected to EC2 in Public Subnet which has a route table having Internet Gateway entry. We are successfully getting ping results as it is connected to the internet.

Public Subnet EC2: this subnet does not have access to Internet Gateway hence it wont connect to the terminal:

Hence we will try connecting to this private instance using public instance as below:

Connected to Private Subnet EC2 from Public Subnet EC2
ping results above. This means that private subnet ec2 is successfully connected to NAT Gateway and it is connected to the internet

It is not recommended to store Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) files on public subnet EC2 hence we’ll look at Bastion hosts in next upcoming article where-in you can store PEM files in your local system and connect to the EC2 in your private subnet using Agent Forwarding method.


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Written by Cloudperceptor

#Cloud, #AI, #ML, #DeepLearning in General

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